World Press Photo 2010

World Press Photo is known for organizing, since 1955, the world’s largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. The World Press Photo exhibition is the result of a worldwide annual competition attracting entries from leading photojournalists, agencies, newspapers and magazines from across the globe. Prize-winning photographs are assembled into a travelling exhibition that is visited by over two million people in some 45 countries worldwide. A yearbook presenting all prize-winning entries is published annually in six languages.
This year, 101,960 photographs have been submitted to the jury. Besides Press Photo of the Year, the 13-member jury awards three more prizes in ten categories: spot news, general news, people in the news, sports and action, sports reporting, current issues, daily life, portraits, arts and entertainment, nature, whereby both individual images and photo series are recognised for excellence. 63 photographers of 23 nationalities were awarded prizes.
The international jury of the 53rd annual World Press Photo Contest has selected a photo by the Italian photographer Pietro Masturzo as the World Press Photo of the Year 2009. The picture depicts women shouting in protest from a rooftop in Tehran on 24 June. The winning photograph is part of a story depicting the nights following the contested presidential elections in Iran, when people shouted their dissent from roofs and balconies, after daytime protests in the streets. The story as a whole was awarded first prize in the category People in the News.
From Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Last admission one hour before closing time
Monday Closed
Adults: € 5,50
Reduced: € 4,00
Free: Children (18 and under) - Seniors (65 and over)
060608 (every day from 9.00 a.m to 9.00 p.m.)
Organizing Committee: Comune di Roma Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e della Comunicazione
Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali in collaborazione con Contrasto e World Press Photo Foundation di Amsterdam
Banche Tesoriere del Comune di Roma: BNL-Bnp Paribas, UniCredit Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena.
Il Gioco del Lotto, Atac, Vodafone
Sponsor World Press Photo
Lotteria olandese dei codici postali; Canon; TNT
Servizi museali
Zètema Progetto Cultura Srl
La Repubblica