Un secolo di clic in cronaca di Roma

PIETRO RAVAGLI - Le “camionette” durante uno sciopero dei mezzi pubblici
1910/2010. I cento anni del Sindacato cronisti romani con dedica ai fotoreporter
19/11/2010 - 06/02/2011
Museo di Roma in Trastevere

Un secolo di clic in cronaca di Roma. 1910/2010. A hundred years of the Roman Reporters Union with a dedication to photographers.

An overview on the centenary of Roman news reports, a multimedia account (photos, movies, documentaries, audio-visual materials) of big and small events of life, including contingencies of everyday life, crimes and scandals, famous people of yesterday and today.


Museo di Roma in Trastevere
Opening hours

Tuesday-Sunday: 10.00 am - 8.00 pm;
December 24 and 31: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm;
Last admission 1 hour before closing time;
Closed: Monday, December 25, January 1.

Entrance ticket

Adults: € 5,50
Concessions: € 4,50
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID):
Adults: € 4,50
Concessions: € 3,50


Info: +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)

Exhibition|Photography, Exhibition|Documentary
Other information

With the support of
Banche Tesoriere del Comune di Roma: BNL, Banca di Roma, Monte dei Paschi di Siena;
Il Gioco del Lotto; ATAC; Vodafone

Web site
Sindacato Cronisti Romani Museum Services Zètema Progetto Cultura
Romano Bartoloni

Press Room

Data conferenza
18/11/2010 - 17:00

Eventi correlati

Currently there are no ongoing activities.
There are no planned activities.
There are no archived activities.