Il chiostro animato - lo spazio è solo rumore

An exhibition in four acts introducing artistic interventions by Michela de Mattei, Salò, Bea Bonafini and Emiliano Maggi.
The project Il chiostro animato - lo spazio è solo rumore wants to reproduce a series of immersive audio experiences, true audio listening moments, real meditative and trancendent moments able to send the visitor into a state of transcendental silence that goes beyond any form of collective time. The collision of the four artists involved transforms the project to harmonise a chorus of voices that give shape to an indefinite fluid entity that cannot be compressed.
Michela de Mattei, the musical group Salò, Bea Bonafini and Emiliano Maggi are the four artists involved in the project, taking life in the beating heart of the Museo di Roma in Trastevere: its external cloister, a place that comes alive on this special occasion thanks to the artists' soundtracks. Having traditionally been particularly linked to musical research and sound experiment, they are presenting individual - and for a dedicated period of time - an authorial track that is accompanied, in the Museum's inner rooms, by their video and textual content. While the three different mediums merge into a more complex and complete entity, the narrative core of the entire exhibition is based on the impossibility of knowledge through the dismemberment of the constituent entities.
First act - Michela de Mattei from 20 May to 26 June 2022
Opening the exhibition with the first act is artist Michela de Mattei (Rome 1984), who, through the use of sound and moving image, constructs fictional scenes and unusual associations between animals, environments, objects and people, in order to explore the different ways in which man controls nature.
For Il chiostro animato, de Mattei with his Sinfonia per orci cradle the spectator in the abysses within a submerged dream world through dreamy melodies that tell of ancient enchanted memories.
Second act - Salò from 1 to 24 July 2022
The second act features the musical project Salò (Rome 2019) formed by Toni Cutrone, Stefano Di Trapani, Cosimo Damiano, Emiliano Maggi and Giacomo Mancini.
Noise music, psychedelic scenarios, mythological symbolism, rituals, baroque costumes and rural iconography make up the imagery of the group, which breaks every rule of contemporary artistic entertainment.
Recently present at the Venice Biennial, their sound installations are often visionary staging with more or less explicit references to the popular and folkloristic Roman tradition. Stornelli and rock music evoke the voices of outcasts and heretics, narrating and setting to music the stories of those who, throughout history, have rejected all kinds of structures and superstructures.
Third act - Bea Bonafini from 29 July to 4 September 2022
The third act is animated by the artworks of Bea Bonafini (Bonn 1990), whose artistic research focuses on experimentation with a variety of techniques. Her artwork is deeply installation-oriented and skilfully combines historical iconography and modern painting traditions in a sensual and intimate sense of immediacy.
In the sound work that she presents for this event, Bonafini summarises in a single track three months of residence in Rome: the recordings, thoughts and sounds of her stay in the capital are collected and translated into a true sound diary in which the artist, with her own voice, introduces the listener to a fragmented cosmos of fluid metamorphoses.
The track fills the space with a suspended, buoyant atmosphere, in which the boundaries between human and non-human thin out, multiplying and colliding inexorably.
Fourth act Emiliano Maggi from 9 to 25 September 2022
The fourth and final act is dedicated to Emiliano Maggi (Rome 1977). The artist is adept at narrating himself by employing a variety of artistic production that includes performance, jewellery production, the musical project Estasy, pictorial works and finally ceramics.
His research has always combined psychedelic scenarios with mythological symbolism, rituals and rural fairytale iconography with hypnotic 1970s horror settings. Through his investigation, he aims to break down all forms of pre-established physical barriers in order to be able to adopt symbolic forms of knowledge instead.
The exhibition is curated by Beatrice Benella and coordinated by Carlo Pratis of Operativa Arte Contemporanea.
The exhibition is open during the following periods:
Michela de Mattei from 20 May to 26 June 2022
Salò from 1 to 24 July 2022
Bea Bonafini from 29 July to 4 September 2022
Emiliano Maggi from 9 to 25 September 2022
Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00
Last admission one hour before closing
Closing days
Before planning the visit, CONSULT THE NOTICES
Tel. 060608 (daily from 9.00 to 19.00)
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